
Time: 2022-12-26  两江巴蜀中学

国际范儿 cook腕儿

当食物回归美,才是真滋味。英语人教版八年级上册八单元《How do you make a banana milk shake?》以cooking为主题,通过师生的共同学习和探讨,达到学生课后能熟练制作并用英语介绍美食的教学目的,真正做到学以致用。

Part 1 线上教研 为爱而来

居家学习期间,为了优化线上教学效果,丰富学生课余生活,弘扬博大精湛的中华美食文化,体验中西方饮食文化差异,两江巴蜀中学初2024届英语教研组全体教师齐聚线上发起了“国际范儿 cook婉儿”的舌尖温情暖人心活动。教师引导学生在“做中学” “研中思”,激发学生的创作灵感,感受美食带来的温暖和幸福。








Part2  学生实践 大展身手


Hello, everyone. Have you ever eaten roasted bananas and do you know how to make them? How about joining me to make some? First, peel the bananas. Then, wrap the bananas with barbecue paper. Next, put them into the oven and wait for ten minutes. Last, take them out. After they cool down a little, we can enjoy them.


Hi, guys. I am going to make banana milk shake. How about joining me and challenging yourselves?

First of all, peel the bananas. Second, cut the bananas into small pieces. Next, put them into the blender. Then, add some milk . After that, turn on the blender. Last, pour the banana milk shake into the cup. If you want your banana milk shake to taste sweeter, you can also add some honey.


Hey , there. I want to teach you how to make an egg wrapped sushi. We need eggs. Because I want to challenge new things, so I choose the egg blocks. We also need nori, rice and sauce. First, put the nori on the top of plastic wrap. Next, cut the egg blocks into little strips. After that, put the rice on the nori. Then, put the egg strips onto the rice. And add some sauce. Finally, roll it up. Cut it into pieces and enjoy the sushi!It looks pretty easy but you have to put your whole heart into doing it so that you will succeed!


Hello, everyone. I am going to make cookies today. Here are the materials. We need some sugar, butter, a scale, flour, milk power. First, cut the butter and weigh it on the scale. Next, pour the butter and the sugar into the blender. Crack 3 eggs in the bowl. Put the eggs in the blender. Turn the blender on and mix them up. Pour the flour and milk powder into the pot and stir by hands. Put the mix in the bag and squeeze out them little by little. Put them into the oven and cook them at a temperature of 200 degree for about 15 minutes. Then the delicious cookies are ready!

Part 3 酸甜酥香 有思有想


By making such a meaningful vlog, I learned a lot of fun of English learning;Similarly, I have never tried to explain the process of food making in English before. It  not only made my learning process more unique, but also improved my spoken English. In the past, my application of English only stayed on exercises and textbooks instead of using it too much in life. Language, just like Chinese, is a tool for people's daily communication. Therefore, this video recording has brought back  language into our life. Let us feel that English brings us real convenience, which greatly improves my interest in English.


"Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to". I had little experience in cooking before. Recently every meal was cooked by my family, which caused conflicts at home. So I decided to try it. The delicious food made with all my heart is infused with love and dedication, and builds a bridge of love between families. As a novice, I can only cook ordinary home dishes, but it is enough to remind the family of warmth and happiness. The dish, vermicelli shrimp with minced garlic is not difficult, and can be made to satisfy and delight the family. The simple ingredients are enough to make the family laugh at the table. It is not to receive their praise, but to let the family enjoy a happy life together and recall the past little by little. Let the family have less trouble and dispute, and more patience and understanding. There may be some disputes among family members in special periods, but understanding and support are needed. In this period, we students should be the lubricant of family relations and cherish happiness among our family members. Make that simple but delicious home-made dish, which gives the family a chance to have a great time together.





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